Our Services
Individual tutoring sessions trailered to meet the specific needs and goals of each student. From building foundational pre-writing skills to mastering survive writing, we will work together to strengthen your handwriting skills in a supporting, encouraging, and FUN environment.
Ages 3.5 years-5 years
Pre-writing foundational skills are key to successful handwriting! Kids will learn crayon grip, pre-writing strokes, capital letter formation, how to draw a person, and pre-writing language.
Ages 4.5 years- 9 years
Kids will learn pencil grip, how to form capital/lower case letters and numbers. They will developmentally advance to writing words and sentences with use of appropriate spacing and sizing.
Ages 7.5+ years
For kids who have already mastered print and are ready to learn an alternative writing method.
Help your child achieve the self confidence in handwriting so it becomes a natural and autonomic skill.
Our services are not a substitute to therapy. Tutoring sessions provide handwriting tutoring our tutors are educational consultants, we do not provide therapy services.